3rd Again!

It was fantastic to finish 3rd in the Jockeys Championship once again. I was delighted to have broken over the hundred barrier for the season, and clear it out properly. William and Oisin had a great run so well done to them! Hopefully next year I can aim to go one or two better!

As for my plans for the winter, its looking like at the moment, Dubai Honour is on track to go to Hong Kong, so really looking forward to that. I am currently in Qatar and I managed to ride a winner today which was great. I hope also to travel to Bahrain before Christmas and then by the sounds of it I’ll be heading back to Australia all being well with the possibility of Dubai, Saudi in between or as-well as, so plenty of travelling! That will all depend on quarantine periods and things like that with regards to Covid but a busy winter ahead nonetheless which I’m looking forward to.

I’ve got a week booked off with Hollie to go away somewhere nice, so I’m thoroughly looking forward to getting the last few weeks of the season out the way. Have a break, freshen up and get prepared for a winter of hopefully travelling plenty and lots of winners!


It’s been a while!


Excited for the St Leger!